3 minutes
π What’s New 2023? - Week 18/2023 report
Hello friends! It’s been a while since I last posted here. So, what do I have new?
π Whats new?
Back in few weeks i subscribed for omg.lol service, and I moved to their Mastodon from my own hosted intance. (I kept backup just in case). I really like all the services that their provide. Latest one is proofing - service that allows you to proof itesm are yours (e.g. websites, or profiles). Community is nice and their admin answers in minutes. I also like to read Status.lol page, which is basically microbloggin platform. It’s fun and I like to read statuses.
You can check my page omg.lol page here
They also provide option to host your own blog. I moved mine there. maymeow.blog
I also created my now where you can check what i’m watchin, reading, listening, or apps that i trying. Lastly I decided to try Reader from Readwise.
If we talking about social, I created account on micro.blog. It’s also allows you to use your own domain and Hugo themes if you want to host blog with them. My is here at maymeow.com.
π± Subscriptions
I decided reconsider what I’m paying for. I have table in my Notion where i track all my subscription. I added field “What im paying for it?” where I write why It is important for me. If this field is empty, or if I have to long thing before i write there something, it means that I probably dont need this subscribtion.
I canceled some subscription from this, Lastly I canceled Feedbin and moved to Inoreader which allows me to add 150 rss feed for free.
I moved from paid Todoist (after my subscription expired) to Micrsofot’s To-Do application. I did this because i needed really simple task management and it also is integrated with outlook (all flaged email are shown as tasks) without needs for 3rd party apps. I also have list that is shared with my family.
And I subscribed for YNAB which helps me to save my money. I’m impulsive buyer and now before i buy something i still check if i have budget for it. It is works for me.
πΎ Gaming
I finally finished main scenario quests from previous expansion (Shadowbringer) from Final Fantasy XIV and started quests from Endwalker. If you want say “Hi”, im on Omega server as May Meow.
I read interesting article from Jose Munoz about trackig game pogress, and I decided to create list in my To-Do application whre i tracking progress trough main scenario quests. It will be interesting to see if it helps me to finish game. (I finised maybe 5 games to the end from total approx 90 that i have on my steam).
That’s all fro this newsletter. I’ll write next summary in few weeks. Remember to check my now page if you want to know more.
479 Words
2023-04-16 18:12 +0000