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🎄 Advent of Code Day 10
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🎄 Advent of Code Day 10

·1158 words·6 mins·
May Meow
May Meow
MayMeow is a developer and cybersecurity enthusiast with a passion for cryptography, DevSecOps, and open-source contributions. They enjoy creating tools that strengthen digital security, blending creativity and technology to innovate in fields like PHP and .NET. Always exploring new frontiers in tech, MayMeow is dedicated to safeguarding the digital landscape through their work.

Today you are looking at a strange metal country with lots of pipes. How did I get there? Oh, with the glider - I had to read it again while writing this post. After quickly sketching the positions of all the pipes, you get this


And also have a legend of what each of the symbols mean. For easier understanding, I made a much simpler map that contains only empty ground and starting position.

. . .
. S .
. . .

Lets say starting position is at [0, 0] so the other positions will looks like this

[-1,-1] [-1,0] [-1,1]
[0,-1]  [0,0]  [0,1]
[1,-1]  [1,0]  [1,1]

This tells me how the pipes are connected to the each other

'|' => [[0, -1], [0, 1]], // up and down (N/S)
'-' => [[-1, 0], [1, 0]], // left and right (W/E)
'L' => [[-1, 0], [0, 1]], // 90 degree left (N/E)
'J' => [[-1, 0], [0, -1]], // 90 degree right (N/W)
'7' => [[1, 0], [0, -1]], // 90 degree left (S/W)
'F' => [[1, 0], [0, 1]], // 90 degree right (S/E)
'.' => [[0, 0]], // ground (no direction from here)
'S' => [[0, 0]], // starting positifion

And to find the coordinates of my starting position, I used

foreach ($map as $index => $row) {
    if (in_array('S', $row)) {
        $start = [$index, array_search('S', $row)]; // [2, 0] for test input

It is at [2,0] so only possible directions are N, S, and E

At this point I still didn’t know what to do with it :D I just knew that I had to find a loop and find how many steps it takes to get to the farthest point from the starting position.


For test input it is 8.

I was able to find the start point and now I had to find the next one. My first attempt was to check all the destinations around my current position. Yes, this worked for the S pipe, but not for the special pipes.

I created another function to get the destination for a pipe type based on its location on the map.

$getPipe = function($x, $y) use ($map, $pipes): array {
	$pipe = $map[$x][$y];
	if (!isset($pipes[$pipe]) || $pipe == 'S') {
		return $pipes;

	return [$pipes[$pipe]];

But not all the pipes around my current position are connected to it. When I find a possible next position, I check if it is connected back by looking at the shape of the pipe at that position and where it can connect.

$areConnected = function (array $start, array $destination) use ($map, $pipes): bool {
	[$x,$y] = $start;
	[$dx, $dy] = $destination;
	$pipe = $map[$dx][$dy];

	// connected to each pipe when tere is connection from it
	if ($pipe == 'S') {
		return true;

	foreach($pipes[$pipe] as $direction) {
		[$px, $py] = $direction;
		[$px, $py] = [$dx + $px, $dy + $py];

		if ($px == $x && $py == $y) {
			return true;
	return false;

I have tested this function manually and I get the following responses. They looked fine to me.

2 Possible connections for [2,0] S
Possible connection 0: 3 0 |
Possible connection 1: 2 1 J

. . .

2 Possible connections for [1,3] |
Possible connection 0: 0 3 7
Possible connection 1: 2 3 L

2 Possible connections for [2,3] L
Possible connection 0: 1 3 |
Possible connection 1: 2 4 7

2 Possible connections for [2,4] 7
Possible connection 0: 3 4 J
Possible connection 1: 2 3 L

2 Possible connections for [3,4] J
Possible connection 0: 2 4 7
Possible connection 1: 3 3 -

2 Possible connections for [3,3] -
Possible connection 0: 3 2 -
Possible connection 1: 3 4 J

2 Possible connections for [3,1] F
Possible connection 0: 4 1 J
Possible connection 1: 3 2 -

2 Possible connections for [4,1] J
Possible connection 0: 3 1 F
Possible connection 1: 4 0 L

2 Possible connections for [4,0] L
Possible connection 0: 3 0 |
Possible connection 1: 4 1 J

2 Possible connections for [3,0] |
Possible connection 0: 2 0 S
Possible connection 1: 4 0 L

So it was time to put it all together.

function findNext($x, $y, $map, $pipes, $next): array

    $areConnected = function (array $start, array $destination) use ($map, $pipes): bool {
        [$x,$y] = $start;
        [$dx, $dy] = $destination;
        $pipe = $map[$dx][$dy];

        // / connected to each pipe when tere is connection from it
        if ($pipe == 'S') {
            return true;

        foreach($pipes[$pipe] as $direction) {
            [$px, $py] = $direction;
            [$px, $py] = [$dx + $px, $dy + $py];

            if ($px == $x && $py == $y) {
                return true;

        return false;


    $getPipe = function($x, $y) use ($map, $pipes): array {
        $pipe = $map[$x][$y];

        if (!isset($pipes[$pipe]) || $pipe == 'S') {
            return $pipes;

        return [$pipes[$pipe]];

    foreach ($getPipe($x,$y) as $index => $pipe)
        foreach ($pipe as $dIndex => $direction) {
            [$dx, $dy] = $direction;
            [$dx, $dy] = [$x + $dx, $y + $dy];

            // this is the same location
            if ($x == $dx && $y == $dy) {

            // skip if location not exists
            if (!isset($map[$dx][$dy])) {

            // skip if ground
            if ($map[$dx][$dy] == '.') {

            // check if both points are connected
            if (!$areConnected([$x, $y], [$dx, $dy])) {

            $possibleNext = [

            if (array_search($possibleNext, $next) !== false) {
            } else {
                $next[] = $possibleNext;
                $possibleNext = [];

    return $next;

Now I finally had a working function which returns me each location to which pipe is connected. Every time there are 2, only exception is start pipe as I mentioned above.

I still had one piece missing. How to count the farthest path. For this I created another array where I put every possible next location that my function returns. (possibleNext locations are pipes that are connected to my current location)

In the next step I compared these (from findNext function) against this connections array and removed location if it was checked before (is already in connections).

When hasNext was zero, I knew that I had checked every connected location in the loop.

while($hasNext) {
    foreach($next as  $index => $possibleNext) {
        [$x, $y] = [$possibleNext[0], $possibleNext[1]];
        echo 'Checking [' . $x . ',' . $y . ']' . PHP_EOL;
        $next = findNext($x, $y, $map, $pipes, $next);

        foreach($next as $nIndex => $nValue) {
            if (array_search([$nValue[0], $nValue[1]], $connections) !== false) {
            } else {
                $connections[] = [$nValue[0], $nValue[1]];

        $hasNext = count($next) > 0;

Next I just counted how many entires I had in the connections array and divided by 2 to get the furthest point.

🥳 Tada! Wow, that was hard. Only part 1 for me today, but I’m really glad I did it.


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