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🌈 Php Color Conversion From Hex to Rgb and Back
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🌈 Php Color Conversion From Hex to Rgb and Back

·277 words·2 mins·
PHP Colors Php Daily Rgb Hex
May Meow
May Meow
MayMeow is a developer and cybersecurity enthusiast with a passion for cryptography, DevSecOps, and open-source contributions. They enjoy creating tools that strengthen digital security, blending creativity and technology to innovate in fields like PHP and .NET. Always exploring new frontiers in tech, MayMeow is dedicated to safeguarding the digital landscape through their work.

Following Color class will allow you to convert colors from RGB to hex and back

class Color
  /** int $red */
  public $red;

  /** int $green */
  public $green;

  /** int $blue */
  public $blue;

   * Color constructor.
   * @param $red
   * @param $green
   * @param $blue
  public function __construct($red, $green, $blue)
      $this->red = $red;
      $this->green = $green;
      $this->blue = $blue;

  // ...

Convert from HEX string to RGB add this function to our class

public static function convertToRGB($hex)
    $hex = ltrim($hex, "#");

    if (!ctype_xdigit($hex))
        throw new NotHexException();

    $red = hexdec(substr($hex, 0, 2));
    $green = hexdec(substr($hex, 2, 2));
    $blue = hexdec(substr($hex, 4, 2));

    return new Color($red, $green, $blue);

This is how you can convert from rgb back to HEX string.

public static function convertToHex(Color $color)
    $red = dechex($color->red);
    if (strlen($red) < 2) $red = '0' . $red;

    $green = dechex($color->green);
    if (strlen($green) < 2) $green = '0' . $green;

    $blue = dechex($color->blue);
    if (strlen($blue) < 2) $blue = '0' . $blue;

    return '#' . $red . $green . $blue;

One thing is missing and it’s exception which is used in convertToRGB function:

class NotHexException extends \Exception
  public function __construct($message = "String you have provided is not HEX", $code = 0, Throwable $previous = null)
      parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous);

To use it

use MayMeow\PHPColor\Color;
// ...
$color = new Color(198, 255, 32);
$hex = Color::convertToHex($color); //#c6ff20

and back to RGB

use MayMeow\PHPColor\Color;
// ...
try {
    $rgb = Color::convertToRGB($hex); // color object: Color(198, 255, 32)
} catch (\MayMeow\PHPColor\Exceptions\NotHexException $exception)
    // do something, echo message or log ...

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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